Shiatsu for Sport Related Issues
“If an athlete feels pain, we use acupuncture as first aid. Most of Japan’s medal winning medical strategy is preventative and based on a time-tested Japanese tradition – Shiatsu therapy.”
- M. Yajima, medical advisor and physiotherapist for Japan’s 2012 Triathlon team.
As a relatively new convert to triathlons in the last few years, I am very aware of the demands we make on our bodies when we take part in sport, recreationally or competitvely. Maintaining, supporting and allowing your body to recover are key to enabling your body to become stronger. and to prevent or lower the chances of injury.
Clients find that Shiatsu helps to ease their physical and emotional symptoms including those which are sports related such as: muscular tension (neck, shoulders, back, legs…); hamstring and calf issues; achilles tendonitis; plantar fascitis; rotator cuff discomfort;; lack of energy; shin splints,; stress…
By increasing blood flow to tissues, a Shiatsu treatment helps reduce muscle tension and soreness by encouraging a healthy supply of oxygen and nutrients and also reduces inflammation, which in turn speeds up recovery time. Your blood pressure and heart rate will fall as your nervous system is calmed and body and mind enter a relaxed state. Shiatsu may also improve your flexibility and range of motion in your joints.