This is a time to gather ones’ energies, refocus and transition as we step into the next stage of our life journey. Transformational changes can be made in our lives at many levels physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally including rebalancing our energies with Shiatsu, changing the foods we eat...
In TCM, menopausal symptoms arise when there is a natural disharmony between our Yin and Yang energy, two interconnected energies within all living things. Women generally are characterised with very yin energy. Yin energy relates to the cooling, moistening, calming, softening, nurturing aspects within our physiology. However, during perimenopause and menopause, many women become “yin deficient” due to years of blood loss through periods. In addition, much of our modern lifestyle is of a yang nature such as the non-stop 24/7 intensity of life and social media. With an overwhelm of yang, we start to lose the balance between our yin and yang, and for women, it is this which causes menopausal symptoms. As a result, yang energy rises. Yang energy is related to the heating, drying, active aspect of our energy which is directly related to the menopausal symptoms experienced by perimenopausal and menopausal women including hot flushes, night sweats, feeling irritable and anxious, difficulty sleeping, low libido, aching joints, palpitations, dizziness and mood swings.
Womens’ experience of menopause vary enormously. Every Shiatsu treatment will be tailored to your circumstances to help support and ease your particular symptoms enabling you to have a more positive experience during this part of your life journey.
Shiatsu for Perimenopause and Menopause
Menopause is something women can simultaneously dread and look forward to. In Western medicine, menopause is seen as a physical process where menstrual periods have ceased for at least 1 year due to the ovaries producing decreasing levels of estrogen. This fluctuation in the hormonal system leads to a variety of menopausal symptoms with one of the main solutions offered by doctors being HRT. This time in our lives and the changes it brings is often viewed less positively in the West than the Eastern view.
In contrast, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views menopause as the last ‘Gateway of Change’ - a time when we have an opportunity to make a powerful impact, positively or negatively, on our general health and constitution by making changes to our lifestyle and supporting our wellbeing. Other Gateways are birth, puberty; beginning of sexual activity and pregnancy/childbirth. Gateways of Change are periods in our lives where there is intense hormonal activity.